New Year: A New Beginning

Closure is an important aspect of human life. Just like how some yoghurt or ice cream completes a hearty meal, it is necessary to add the finishing touch to everything with grace. End of calendar year surely is time for a relaxed look at our lives; some introspection, soften few rough edges, hope for things to improve in all walks of life and get ready for a new beginning.
New year is a useful catalyst to propel our lives better, but we should not forget the right ingredients, hard work and faith, to keep things moving and achieve whatever we desire. It is important to understand the beautiful mystery of life, every next instant is full of surprises and the only way to progress is to believe that it is possible to convert those surprises in our favour.

Let us recollect all the wonderful moments we've had, people who made those moments special and hold them close to the heart always. Also, remember every toughening and difficult experience that made you grow as a person, showed the importance of holding on and being resilient. Good growth is impossible without some pain, let us embrace it and grow better.
My hearty wishes and prayers for this new year to bring us all whatever is truly good for us and not hinder us from reaping the reward of our work. May the Evenstar shine down upon us.


Vishnu MM said…
Wow You are right Arun !!
Bel said…
Short , sweet and crisp blog.. Happy New Year Frost . and thank u 2011 :)
Anonymous said…
Ha Ha! Stupid People with Stupid Thoughts!

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