The Innovation Equation

In a generation of instant gratification brilliantly aided by technology, it is too easy to get carried away and feel satisfied with very superficial knowledge. It is painful to see people falling victim to sensationalist media, viral social media and agenda/propaganda driven fake news. Just like junk food killing appetite for healthy food, these unsustainable short-term elements can leave a longer impact on meaningful things that actually matter. One such meaningful thing taking a beating these days is innovation.
Innovation is perhaps one of the most (maybe even the most?) overused, abused and often misused word today. People want to use innovative products, organizations claim to be innovative, almost every higher educational institution in the country is planning an 'Innovation Cell' and start-ups are screaming "innovation" to raise funding. Opinions on innovation rankings (whatever they mean!) are hard to miss in any form of media; they also easily hail any seemingly new idea as innovation (for all you know, it wouldn't even be 'new' in most cases!) and start debating on hypothetical future implications! 
An idea is a very abstract and intangible concept. It takes many successful and complementary implementations to put an idea into practice. Innovation happens depending on the impact these implementations have while being put into practice. It is also important that these implementations survive what I'd like to call 'The Efficiency Conundrum', for 'innovation' and 'efficiency' are inversely correlated. 
The Innovation Equation
What is invention then?!
Is it different from innovation? If yes, then how ??

PS: 'The Efficiency Conundrum' and 'Innovation Equation' ?!
Sound like titles of 'The Big Bang Theory' episodes!


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