
Showing posts from March, 2014

Converse. And Bond with the Best

Conversations are great. If you've watched 'The Man From Earth', you'd instantly agree about the impact of meaningful and powerful conversations. In an age of smartphone driven instant messaging, SLR camera driven 'photos speaking louder than words' trend and routine driven mechanical acts, it is really hard to find some time, pick up the phone, call a friend, find them free and just talk on. Conversations without any specific motives, they sometimes lead to very interesting things. One such conversation with a friend lead to the following: "We all have two lives. The second one starts when we realize that we only have one." - Tom Hiddleston Sometimes things appear so down that it feels like life is The Man with the Golden Gun, possessing a Licence to Kill and looking for A View to a Kill. Now I'm not saying we all possess a Goldfinger to wag and scare The Living Daylights out of whatever is troubling us. But you should just understand tha