What is so super about moon ?!

Yesterday's Pacific tsunami and Indonesian volcanic activity has made 'Supermoon' a hot topic.

On 19th Match 2011, the moon will make its closest approach to Earth (called lunar perigee) in 18 years. A new or full moon at 90% or greater of its closest perigee to Earth is called a 'SuperMoon'. An 'Extreme SuperMoon' (the one we are going to have on 19th) is when the moon is full or new as well as at its 100% greater mean perigee (closest) distance to earth.

The effect of moon on earth and earthlings is nothing new. Ever wondered about the word 'lunatic' ? It refers to abnormal mental activity due to the impact of lunar cycle (different phases of moon). For example, on full moon and new moon days, the effect of moon's gravitation on earth is more than normal. This causes mood swings and mentally unstable people tend to be more sensitive and prone to aggressiveness.

Apart from gravitational force, there is also the effect of moon's wave energy on earth. Earth, like all other matter, exists as both particle and wave. When moon comes very close, the effect of moon's wave nature is so high that it reflects in earth's particle nature and this could be the reason for abnormal tectonic activity.

Imagine a person under immense mental stress. There is no physical force exerted , but then the sheer effect of the stress could cause gradual balding right. Just like that, the effect of moon's wave energy on earth's wave is reflected on earth's physical structure as a tsunami or volcanic eruption.

It is necessary for us to recognize and accept the importance of understanding about wave nature of matter. Only proper research and education in that field will help us strike a balance between 'being blindly superstitious' and 'not believing stuff that today's science cannot explain'.


Anusha said…
really interesting :) will this supermoon affect the astrological stars and stats too?
astrological stars and stats are just reference charts made by humans. things like supermoon wont affect that, but it may have some small effect on a person born during the phenomenon.

the effects could be that the person is very emotional or very short tempered etc. normally, we dont attach too much importance to these things, we just accept it as the person's nature. but then the explanation of why his/her nature is that way, can be attributed to some extent to these phenomenon.
Vivishek Sudhir said…
sorry to burst your logical bubble: but the comment on moon's wave nature affecting the earth's particle nature is almost complete nonsense :-|
I am looking forward to discuss it with you sometime. :)

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