The Dark Knights

Hats off to the NSG, RAF and other commandos who were involved in flushing out the terrorists in Mumbai. Their services are not sought often, but then each time they gamble with their lives in performing their duty. Something most of us won’t even dream of doing.

Thinking how an attack of this magnitude would have been possible, we have only ourselves to blame. Corruption, negligence of duty and lack of national feeling emerge as the three main reasons for these repeated terrorist attacks.

Corruption and negligence of duty are very complex and deep rooted in the Indian administrative setup. It is impossible to remove them overnight. But this incident is an indicator as to how lethal their effects can be. Without blaming the system, if each one of us refrain ourselves from corruption and perform our duties well, the system will change automatically. It is easy to say “…let others start and then I will start...”. But then we must realize that we should do what is correct, and not what is easy.

Our so-called “leaders” are the ones responsible for lack of national feeling. It is inappropriate to call them leaders at the first place. Someone can’t become a leader just because he has over 40-50 years experience in party politics. I would rather call the person who supplied tea for the reserve NSGs in Mumbai on Thursday night, a leader because he was selfless and patriotic. Compare this hero to our politicians, who are concerned about amassing wealth for their family, or revoked the tough POTA or indulged in regional terrorism for vote, or supporting armed terror acts elsewhere in the world, or kindling communal feelings within the nation. Don’t you think we should be choosier about our political leaders?

All said and done, we have a very short memory when it comes to terror strikes. It’s something to be proud that we are resilient. But we are resilient by force, not by choice. We can surely change this scenario, but only if we really want to. Again,it’s up to us to choose between what is easy and what is correct.


bharat said…
"we are resilient by force, not by choice"
these are Nasarudin Shah's lines from the movie "A Wednesday" at 01:20:15 of the movie :)

Well's very true
Anonymous said…
yes, the words seemed apt here....
Anonymous said…
Excellent post. Ur points - corruption, negligence of duty are exact reason practically...

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