
Showing posts from June, 2013

Memoirs of Stockholm

I write this after almost 3 months of returning from Stockholm. It is not easy to put into words more than 3 years worth of memories. I am bound to miss a lot of instances, gloss over many details and not convey my feelings to the fullest in this short piece of writing.  Happy thoughts just flock my head as I start thinking about Stockholm, the place where I fully understood the meaning of ‘absolute independence’. It is a two-edged knife, this independence, thanks I had someone at every corner to point me towards a sane direction. It was a wonderful experience to be the captain of my soul and master of my thoughts.  From pulling all-nighters for projects to preparations for exams and lab sessions, to collaborating with classmates on reports, a wave of sudden emotion sweeps over me as I think of how much I miss those memorable days.  Autumn leaves, amateur cooking, Swedish TV, kitchen-sharing, fencing, parties, sensor-manufacturing, salsa, Helsinki cruise, Aurora, Arctic trip,